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The Three Lucky Step Process To Business Growth

 The Three Lucky Step Process To Business Growth

The Three Lucky Step Process To Business Growth

In order to build a successful, thriving business you need to create cashflow. That's pretty much a given. Without cash, your business will wither and die on the vine.
Stimulating business growth is a three-step process and we will briefly explain each step on the ladder to gaining leverage and momentum in your business.
These steps are needed before you build your team, product development systems, joint ventures or any other process. The three-step system must be followed first to get the cashflow flooding into your business.
Let's look at the three steps for maximum business growth:
1. Pick the Right Market
2. Create an Irresistible Offer
3. Marketing Systems to Bring in the Cash
In the first of this three-part series, we will focus on picking the right market.
A market niche is a gap or opportunity of a much larger market that's being overlooked, ignored or poorly serviced. It's this market segment that you want to find and exploit to your maximum advantage. Specialization is the key. You must have laser- focused, targeted marketing in a specific niche in order to dominate that market.
If you focus on a very specific target market you can develop products and services designed to the needs and wants of the market. When you focus on these kinds of narrow markets, you face less competition and you'll hold the advantage over the businesses who try and market to everyone.
Ask yourself these important questions: What problem can you uniquely solve? How will you solve it? Your answers may very well lead you to your target market.
Finding your niche can be as easy as following your passion. The key to dominating in it is to craft a solid selling message (USP), find out what the market wants and give it to them.
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And while gaining momentum and generating cashflow into your small business seems like a daunting task, the process is actually a fairly simple one.


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